Business Intelligence Connector

Your interface for any transfer of data from CargoSoft applications to reporting tools

  • Basic tool for management decisions
  • Graphical, clear and accessible presentation of statistical data
  • Preparation/channelization of data for BI software
  • Configuring permissions to view statistics
  • Customizable searches and cross/cross filter functions
  • Making system data (TMS, SCM) usable

Your benefits

  • Basis for accurate data-supported decisions
  • Gain new insights from operational data
  • Attractive external presentation of customer data
  • Qualified statistics for more foresight
  • Compression of large amounts of data
  • Creation of individual reports
  • Easy addition of additional data (e.g. financial accounting)

Product info

Who is actually an A, B or C customer? Are the KPIs correct? How do sales and order volumes correlate? The answers are available in countless data sets. The CargoSoft BI Connector makes this usable for logistics companies.

The operational data is already there. They are generated using the software applications CargoSoft TMS, CargoSoft SCM, the online booking platform eForwarding, rate management or customer relationship management. With the CargoSoft BI connector, we also provide business intelligence (BI). We visualize, consolidate and prepare your operational data so that you can make informed decisions at a glance.

BI for your operational data

The CargoSoft BI Connector is the gateway to any BI software, such as the widely used Microsoft PowerBI. Show you who are your highest-earning customers, which locations or scheduled services are running best. Anyone who knows how to use the information they have and can draw the right conclusions has a clear advantage.

Composition of the CargoSoft BI Connector

The CargoSoft BI Connector consists of three parts:

  • BI data interface
  • Gateway for Microsoft Power BI
  • Standard reports for Microsoft Power BI

The BI interface is designed to provide all essential information in a simple format that is supported by any BI system. Either the CSV or TXT file formats are used; the field separator is freely configurable. The data transmitted by CargoSoft can be easily expanded.

It is also easy to connect to the widely used business analysis service Microsoft Power BI. We use the specially set up gateway for Microsoft Power BI . Using this gateway, the desired data is automatically uploaded to the Microsoft Cloud for Power BI up to eight times a day.

Various standard reports are also available to you for the operational data from the CargoSoft applications. These include the transport management system (TMS), supply chain management (SCM), the online booking platform eForwarding , rate management system ECM and customer relationship management (CRM) . We can adapt or expand these upon request.

CargoSoft Productowner

„As a CargoSoft customer, you have a broad base of operational data. With the CargoSoft BI Connector, we raise this to a strategic level for you. Qualified and well-prepared data is the key to accurate decisions. We will work with you to prepare the way for you to gain all the insights from your business.”

Renate Kappertz, Product Owner CargoSoft BI-Connector