Supplier codex:
CARGOSOFT GmbH strives for ethical business conduct characterized by integrity, social and ecological responsibility, reliability and credibility and expects its suppliers to act in accordance with the same basic rules. To this end, CARGOSOFT GmbH uses a Supplier Code of Conduct that describes these principles and requires suppliers to comply with the principles and requirements of the Code of Conduct and, for their part, to endeavor to contractually oblige their subcontractors to comply with the standards and regulations set out in this document.
Further information on the CARGOSOFT GmbH Supplier Code of Conduct can be found here:
Link to the Supplier Code of Conduct document.
Whistleblower / external reporting office:
DAKOSY has set up an external ombudsman’s office to receive reports of possible misconduct under criminal or regulatory law at CARGOSOFT GMBH itself or in the associated supply chain. In addition to the internal Compliance Officer of DAKOSY, it is available to all persons who wish to report a confidential and, if desired, anonymous indication of potential misconduct under criminal or administrative law, in particular also on the basis of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz).
Ombudsman’s office:
Compliance Officer Services Legal, Mr. Stephan Rheinwald (fully qualified lawyer)
E-mail: s.rheinwald(at), phone: 0049 (0)228 / 35036291
Postal address: Compliance Officer Services Legal, Mr. Stephan Rheinwald, Telemannstraße 22, 53173 Bonn, Germany
Further information on the CARGOSOFT GmbH whistleblower system can be found here:
Link to the document Whistleblower system and external reporting office.